Scripture References Found – Matthew 12, Hebrews 6, 1 Corinthians 12, 1 Timothy 4, 1 John 4, John 9, and 2 Kings 6
This was a little chat on December 9, 2023, of what we had been witnessing for the previous few months. Vee was still wobbly-spiritually speaking- from the ordeal of the denial of the written word, by the very people who should have known what “The Seventh-day Adventist Church is experiencing a sifting right now. Do not accept any false doctrines.” (Ted Wilson CEO). However, I did not know that nobody had taught them? Nobody had told them? Or, they just didn’t want to know. One of the weirdest gaslights is denial.
Mom Sayings – Sometimes God puts obstacles in our way to get us to move in a different direction.
The Feature Picture is a copy of a real photograph of Ellen White, taken a couple of years before her death, As you can clearly see she was a human being who was “under the same curse of God” old age, death, and decay, just like the rest of us. (Romans 8)
Spirit stopped the video again….
Taped – December 09, 2023