• Balcony Talk – Genesis 13:14-18 E43

    2 Min Read

    Note – 1. Has your church become a marketplace where people go to buy beliefs? 2. Praise God for video! 3. The name of the song that wasn’t coming to memory is “Landslide” by Fleetwood Mac. 4. If you don’t like the song? Pass along. Don’t condemn and twerk. Let the Lord do His good work. 5. I will always promote sharing our experience, strength, and hope in Christ Jesus. Get used to it.

    We finished up the Scripture reading, and began talking about the events that had occurred the week before, on October 7, 2023. Not only had Hamas invaded Israel, but, on the home-front of America, the President of the General Conference of, what used to be, the Seventh-day Adventist Church-now World Church Christian Organization Business And Professional Foundation (for tax purposes, they tell me), had also stood up and sounded a warning trumpet….turned Kazoo toot, on the same day. October 7, 2023. For a few weeks, I called it The Ted Wilson Speech, Declaration, And Ultimatum. I, mistakenly thought the folks would be glad to have had a warning trumpet announcing the sifting of the sieve? Understanding that the enemy is within our gate, and it was time to stand and pledge our allegiance to whom we serve. The LORD God. Or…tic..toc..tic..toc..tic..toc… could it be that they already have?

    Scripture Reference Found – Matthew 6

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  • Balcony Talk – Genesis 13:1-13 E42

    2 Min Read

    Scripture References Found – Proverbs 24, and Ephesians 4

    Note – 1. Vee fell down and went BOOM! It was not a “recess in the school of Christ”?! : 0 Be very, very careful with what’cha say in prayer, in the presence of the Lord, in front of another person, or two, or three…. Just lett’in ya know…. 2. The amazing grace of God is found all over the Old Testament. Who, that has lied to a Pharaoh, traded your wife, had to flee for your life-still keeping all your worldly possessions, and then some. And not be thinking the entire time, “I’m fixin’ to die!?!” ?!? While reading the verses again, along with the video, before I put it on My Big Blue Pearl, because, you know, I’m not as secure in what I say, and want to make sure if any further explanation or correction is warranted, I saw the grace of God. And I Knew Exactly why, once Abram reached a safe place, he chose to worship the LORD. After all, without the LORD, Abram was a dead man walking. Just sayin’

    I had planned on telling a story about the grace God has shown me in my lifetime, even before I acknowledged Him as my LORD. But, you know, it would take up this entire magazine, and still I wouldn’t even scratch the surface. Maybe another time in snippets? Just listen to the grace of God, as the story of Abram, Sarai, and Pharaoh and then Lot, is read from God’s Word. And let the Lord speak to your hearts and minds.

    Note – 3. I know there is a family darkness in my family. Is there one in yours?

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  • Balcony Talk – Genesis 12:10-20 E41

    2 Min Read

    Note – We more just talked about the events that were taking place at this time in the life of Abram, Sarai, and Pharaoh. The heading that I posted this episode under, on Facebook, was; “Oh What Tangled Webs We Weave, When We First Practice To Deceive.” However, there really is more to this story than the eye. In fact, Vee was under conviction by the Holy Spirit, and it was dawning on me that my decision to sin in the sight of the LORD, with another person, had actually caused that person to receive, as Pharaoh had received, due to Abram and Sarai’s little white lie. It would be a few hours, before it hit me that the LORD had passed by, and He found me wanting. By His grace alone, am I still here. Straight up, He weighed me, and I had gear missing. Or, too much gear? I followed the advice of Jesus, and went and sinned no more, that sin! I’m still learning to identify the sins that crouch at my door. But, with God, It’s an amazing experience to learn the Lord’s ways of wrangling my sins, and kicking them out of my spiritual door. The greatest part about this is the LORD’s always ever faithful warnings of “Watch Out! For sin crouches at your door, Venisa. But you must subdue it, and be its master.” Without His guiding hand, I wouldn’t be sitting here today.

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  • Balcony Talk – Genesis 12:4-9 E40

    3 Min Read

    Scripture References Found – 2 Corinthians 5, Matthew 16, Galatians 6, 1 John 5, Jeremiah 49

    Note – 1. It has been a bit difficult to re-watch these episodes from October 13, 2023, before uploading them here. I was elated that finally something would be done to prevent what had happened to me, from happening to anyone else…all the way across the board. As of February 19,2024, the warning trumpet sounded on October 7, 2023, has petered out to less than a sounding Kazoo. The President of the General Conference, is the CEO of the American Corporate World Church Christian Organization Business And Professional Foundation, that at one time was the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Considering how many people had told me that they were tired of all the confusion within the churches? I thought; “Finally! Something can get done about this…….” tic-toc-tic-toc-tic-toc-tic-toc ….. So, the truth is, the people who were tired of the confusion, really aren’t that tired of it. Folks whom I have loved for the last seven years, and who walked along with me from the alley (story later) have chosen to remain in a “mum’s the word” kind of state and/or condition. They don’t talk to me anymore. It just is what it is. 2. One of the things that I noticed, after the LORD called me out of my darkness into His marvelous Light, was that everyone, from believers to agnostic, seemed to think that it was their job to tell me what sins that I needed to overcome, to remain faithful to God. Granted, to stop smoking, drinking, and eating a healthier diet are good for me. My health is improving. But, I had/have real issues that, doing what they were telling me to do, did not take away? Like, misery, depression, insomnia, not being able to shut off my thoughts… while also struggling with homelessness and staying away from da da … the drugs that had been my comfort for almost 40 years- opiates, and other stuff. Or, in other words, what the rehabs call, a “poly-drug abuser.” So, I do take offense, when folks who have done nothing more than stick a little toe into the world I ran around in for over 40 years, then tells me that I have to overcome their sins. Jesus says to pick up my cross and follow Him. Not yours. And Vice-Versa. 3. I was still holding out hope, but alas, the people like the carrot on the stick more…..

    Note – We ended with Jeremiah and the underwear. Hence the reason for the picture. ; )

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  • Balcony Talk – The Call Of Abram Continues – Genesis 12:3-4 E39

    1 Min Read

    Note – I was still riding on the joy that, after at least 60 years, things were finally out in the open of the mess that the SDA religion had gotten herself into. For my entire life I had been gaslight about what I was seeing and experiencing inside SDA Land, as the people just seemingly wandered around unawares, in something I’ve also known, blissful ignorance. And, as much as I hate to admit it? I think that the people like it that way. Within three months I would come to the conclusion that one cannot snatch anyone out of the fire when they enjoy the burn and, one canst throw a Life-Preserver to folks who are comfortable drowning. Little did I know then, what had been standing there all along, in plain sight. Revealed in my Year of Jubilee…… : 0

    Additional Note – The excitement in being in love with the Word of God is contagious. Catch ya some.

    Scripture References Found – Genesis 3, Exodus 20, Genesis 4, 1 John 4

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  • Balcony Talk – The Call Of Abram – Genesis 12:1-2 With A Recap Of Genesis 11:27-32 E38

    3 Min Read

    Note – 1. We began this episode talking about the different Bible translations. There are some in the religious community who will convince many that there is only one “true” version or translation of the Bible. However, in Jeremiah 1:12 The LORD told Jeremiah, concerning a branch from an Almond tree; “You have seen well, for I am [actively] watching over My word to fulfill it.” It is the person’s personal choice to believe the word of a man over the Word of God. Once stated, who am I to argue with a man? Believe a human being at your own risk, folks. I have had to learn the hard way about trusting a man’s word over the Word of God. I now go by the old adage; Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. 2. One of the things the Lord brought to me early in my walk with Him, is that He has a tailor-made, individual teaching plan for every single person who is enrolled in the school of Christ. An amazing feat no human teacher can achieve. 3. When referring to Vee, in these articles, I’m referring to myself- the person speaking in the video and writing this. I do not have identity disassociation. It’s just me being goofy Vee. : ) 3. Vee has learning disabilities that, I’m grateful to say, the Lord has been fully capable, able, and willing to break through to the other side. Again, a feat no human teacher has ever achieved. 4. Show of hands: Who does and does not believe that you have any religious indoctrination, traditions, or falsehoods in your own theologies? 5. At the time of this taping of Balcony Talk, I was still holding out hope for the SDA religion. As of 02/16/2024, the people have chosen the carrot on a stick, instead. Their choice. 6. Ellen White wrote that old controversies would arise among new controversies within a “church” dynamics. These controversies were to be dealt with quickly, according to Biblical principles, and studied out together, until all in the church understood, so that there would be no confusion…. : / 7. When the Lord calls you to do something off the wall, and bat-crap crazy, by the world’s standards. But quickens your spirits with an eagerness in anticipation of seeing the Creator of all things doing His thing? Do IT! Looking for the grace of God in every situation is an amazing thing to see, even when you gotta watch by yourself.

    Additional Note – It was in 2 Corinthians 13 where the “examine yourselves” is found. 1 John 4 is referring to how to identify the spirit of the antichrist.

    Scripture References Found – John 5, Romans 8, John 14, 2 Corinthians 13, 1 John 4, and Genesis 11:1-9

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  • Sherman Cox At Nashville Trevecca Nursing And Rehabilitation Center Reading Psalm 23

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  • Sherman Cox At Nashville Trevecca Nursing And Rehabilitation Center Reading Psalm 34

    1 Min Read

    Sherman Cox, from the Nashville First Seventh-Day Adventist Church, participates in a by-monthly Sabbath afternoon Nursing Home Ministry. We would like to thank Sherman Cox for his dedication in this ministry. Great job!

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  • Jubal Project With Sherman Cox, Vee, And Nathan Lake Performing “The Sanctuary Song” And “Don’t Give Up On Me” At Trevecca Nursing And Rehabilitation Center, Nashville TN.

    1 Min Read

    Note – The keyboard player got stuck in traffic, and the boys spaced out and forgot the cue to lead into the nest song. Vee was laughing.

    Taped – 02/10/2024

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  • Jubal Project With Nathan Lake Performing “Which Way To Grow” At Trevecca Nursing And Rehabilitation Center, Nashville TN.

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