• Balcony Talk – Genesis 16:7-17:14 E53

    1 Min Read

    Scripture References Found – 2 Peter 1, Hebrews 12

    Note – Just a couple of thoughts – 1. Have Pastors today turned love, prayer, and faith into “works”? (For example; “If we just love hard enough, pray hard enough, and have enough faith, ‘we’ can bring ‘peace and safety’ to the nation.) 2. Does God use poetic justice?

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  • Balcony Talk – Genesis 16:1-6 E52

    2 Min Read

    Scripture References Found – Romans 8, Isaiah 49, Acts 28, Hebrews 3

    A question that occurred – Could not believing God be the same as not doing the will of the Father?

    Note – Nashville, TN was a growing city in the 1800’s. Nicknamed “Athens of the South” by the 1850’s, having established numerous higher education institutions. (Google) The dream of Ellen White that I refer to, I had not heard about, myself, until 2017-2018. After hearing of this dream through literature from a SDA publishing house, I tracked down Ellen’s two written accounts and read them for myself.

    You will hear me refer to the SDA religion in the way of still trying to reason with the people. By February 29, 2024, I hope there will be a difference in my language? As I finally have resolved myself into the realization that a mere human being cannot throw a Life-Preserver, to people who are comfortable drowning. Nor can anyone snatch anyone else out of the fiery furnace, who enjoys the burn…

    I took the picture of the Nashville Parthenon in the featured image. I don’t know who the man is. I had just recently gotten my car and had gone sightseeing with my dog, Dakota Bugg. : )

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  • Balcony Talk – E51

    4 Min Read

    Scripture References Found – Hebrews 12, Ezekiel 34, Ezekiel 11, Ezekiel 36, 2 Corinthians 3, Luke 10, Proverbs 29, Matthew 22, Exodus 20 (although there are over 100 Scriptures that state that the LORD tests our loyalty, according to Google. ; )

    I”m not really sure if this belongs in “Testimonies of Jesus” or “Balcony Talk”? Because it’s not a continuation of the Genesis study. So, this episode may change places in the future? Just a head’s up…

    On October 7, 2023, the President of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church Organization, threw down the law on the leaders and administrators of the regional and local conferences; paid Gospel workers and Health care workers; Professors, School Administrators, Churches, Elders, Pastors and members alike to shape up or ship out! “If you do not believe 100% in this Word. (the Bible). Step Down!” he said. “The SDA Church is experiencing a sifting right now…” I took this as meaning that the Sifting of the Sieve has begun. And the statement: “Do not accept false doctrines”? *Ted Wilson. I took literally. Unfortunately tic-toc-tic-toc as of 02/29/2024, no further mention of this event has occurred, other than Vee shouting til she turned blue!? To no avail. The people put up dark silent walls against me, and the walls are still there today. Oh well….what can I say?

    Almost immediately after I posted this particular episode to my Facebook page, within an hour, a SDA Pastor on the other side of the world, in Australia, who was a Facebook friend-and this was not the first time something like this had happened between him and me- declared that he was not a “prophet.” I declare this also. I’m not saying anything new. Everything that I say is freely available in the Bible, and through Google. It is freely given to anyone who asks. If you seek, you will find.

    Having been raised SDA, I know a lot of Ellen White. It is your choice to read anything she wrote or not. I have used her writings as the Lord has led me to them, when I needed help in navigating around some of the many tares of false doctrines and “Snares of Satan” among the peoples. What I attribute to her is also readily available to read, if you are so inclined. I have no desire to rehash what I have already secured, and will continue to move on with the Lord.

    It was around this time, also, that the people, whom I thought knew me-friends and family- began throwing stumbling block triggers in my way, as I was trying to purge religious traditions that don’t jive with the Bible from the “land” I began “clearing” for the “boundaries” of the wall I’m building around the spiritual house that we, who profess Christ, are to be building throughout our journeying with the Lord on this dark world. The Lord (or Spirit to some.) I call Him”Lord” because Jesus said that the Spirit tells me everything that Jesus tells me. And, since I call Jesus “Lord”? … The only thing that the Spirit told me to not do, was to not praise Him as Jesus, for He did not die for me. (This happened at Girl’s Camp)

    Spiritual Battle Is Real. I don’t know what to say to people who don’t have any spiritual battles?

    I chose this picture because, even though I did not know that what I was doing was walking away from the world? Saying “NO!” to the Booty. I knew that I could not look back! I made this homemade meme in the featured image, on July 22, 2023. And then began posting it on my Facebook page… I thought I was letting everyone know what’s what with Vee? Could none hear me? …..

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  • Balcony Talk – Genesis 15:16-21 E50

    1 Min Read

    Scripture References Found – 1 Corinthians 10, Ephesians 4, Isaiah 1, Philippians 2, 2 Corinthians 3, Ezekiel 11, Ezekiel 36, Jeremiah 31, and Hebrews 8

    Note – Vee is one who likes to coin a phrase to see if it will get goin’? So. “Arrogant Antagonists!” “Who’s Christ?” “You cannot get a taste of the Lord through someone else’s mouth.” “Shut that door! Praise the Lord!” … Keep it going….

    Declaration – It is going to be a while before I get over a he/she holy spirit being brought in by a stranger, to a weekly Tuesday night Zoom prayer meeting and Friday evening Vesper’s, in which I had been “faithfully attending” (Pastor’s words) for three years. After telling an elder and going back three times, receiving open group confirmation each time, of this happening, this Pagan teaching of the amalgamation of both sexes into the Holy Spirit, was accepted, excused, and made out to be no big deal by the preachers, teachers, and people.

    No matter how many times ya’ll tell me to “Just get over it!” ?!?!?! It is gonna take a minute to sink in, okay?! : 0

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  • Balcony Talk – Genesis 15:1-16 E49

    2 Min Read

    Scripture References Found – John 16, Hosea 4, Luke 15

    Note – (1) Ted Wilson is the President of the Seventh-day Adventist General Conference, which oversees the conduct and administration of regional Conferences and local Church Conferences. (2) Keep in mind that the Bible says that the “sins of the Amorites do not yet warrant their destruction.” It’s a good thing to know. (3) I was still iffy about Nathan. LOL I kid you not! By the time I met Nathan, I was of the mind; “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” And, today, test the Spirit/spirits much more carefully. Sorry, Nathan. Just the truth, brother. ; )

    The feature image was taken in the alley, only about two days after the LORD rescued us (me and Dakota) from my own destruction. I include the picture, because of the taste into the word of my testimony- the story of Christ’s redemption, in this episode.

    “It has come at last- salvation and power and the Kingdom of our God, and the authority of His Christ. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters has been thrown down to earth- the one who accuses them day and night. And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony. And they did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die. Therefore, rejoice, O heavens! And you who live in the heavens, rejoice!………….”

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  • Balcony Talk – Genesis 14:15-24 E48

    2 Min Read

    Note – (1) An opening chat on my experience at Girl’s Camp and healthy eating, even when you po! LOL

    (2) I believe that the Covid Pandemic, which I quickly started calling “Pandemonium 2020…2021…2022… … was actually what some religious circle’s call a “Crucible” or “Test” or what I also quickly began calling a “Shake-Up To Wake-Up” and a “Test of God to see how much we inhabitants of earth love our neighbors.” My Facebook memories will reflect this belief and attitude. At the time, I first tried getting the religious authorities to chill a minute and take stock and, after this failed, I used the first stimulus check to buy a flute. I had asked the Lord, in the current situation of isolation; “How can I best exhibit the faith that I have in You, Lord?” The Lord told me to buy a flute and practice re-learning to play it on my balcony. And so I did. It had been14 years since I last picked up a flute. Understand this too. At the time I bought the flute, I had no income. It would still be another five or six months before the SSI disability claim was finally accepted. I was still very much poor, when I bought my flute during Pandemonium 2020…2021…2022…

    However, my belief on the Covid Pandemic was shot down by the religious authorities several times. And this concept, along with what Nathan and I are talking about with the concept of saying “NO!” to the Booty, also being shot down, with seemingly no allies? I felt very very isolated in my beliefs. And it brought a dark and oppressive spirit over me. For a while, I posted the feature image for this Balcony Talk on my Facebook page. I didn’t know what else to do? I felt I could no longer be honest among my own people within the Seventh-day Adventist religion.

    (3) Praise God for the technology of video recording!

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  • Balcony Talk – Genesis 14:1-16 With A Back Up From Genesis 13:18 E47

    1 Min Read

    Note – (1) I was still posting Balcony Talk specifically for Facebook. So you will hear me reference Facebook in this way throughout the episodes until sometime in February. (2) I said “attitude” in that way, because I had just told a religious “Yes” man that they needed an attitude adjustment. I kid you not! (3) In Christ, nobody is better than anyone else. (4) Nathan settled, and war broke out. There was an emergency at his job.

    Additional Notes – I chose the featured image, because there is more going on than meets the eye. This is when the Lord began strongly cajoling me to “Look at Lot.” …. “Look at Lot!” …. LOOK at Lot!!” …. “LOOK AT LOT!!!” In the following episodes you will find out why, just as I found out why, the Lord kept telling me to look at Lot. And the joy in realizing that, the LORD God is fully able and capable of snatching a righteous person (a believer) out from the fires of His Executive Judgements. As in the example of Lot, at the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah….

    Scripture Nathan Referenced Found – Hebrews 4

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  • Testimony Of Jesus On Being Sifted – E4

    1 Min Read

    It was 139 heads of the Conferences and Districts of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church Corporate Religion that Ted Wilson called out. Not 169.

    Praise God for video!

    Note – This was when the Lord really started impressing upon me to look at the failures of the faithful in the Bible, rather than their successes, in order to mark out a straight path for my own feet.

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  • That Old Rugged Cross 02/24/2024

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  • The Brown Family – Lord I Lift Your Name On High 02/24/2024

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