I wasn’t sure if I would post this or not? This is take 1 of last Friday’s opening Sabbath. It took a couple of days of talking with the Lord about it, and His early morning wake-up call this morning (03/04/2024), to post it now. And I’m not even sure if I’ll leave it up here, or not? Because I have found few who are as outraged. I have mostly received indifference to this subject, or a bunch of flack for not accepting the Pagan teaching of the amalgamation of both sexes into a holy spirit, and condemnation for keeping it in the Light, by not allowing it to be swept under the rug with every other apostasy within a religion, into what most religious people call smooth walking. And what I call; tryna walk on eggshells, on just another lumpy rug.

When push comes to shove, you truly find out what people are made of. And spiritual matters are no exception. Church politics over-rides the Truth in most man-made religions. But I had no idea my childhood religion, which professes remnant church status, had fallen so far away from the faith of Jesus? For seven years, I found this religion producing only cowards, who are unwilling to “stand stiffly for the Lord’s truth” (EGW), having very little to no true faith. And, after a long and severe conflict, I finally had to reevaluate my allegiance to this American Corporate World Church Christian Organization Business And Professional Foundation.

“After a long and severe conflict the faithful few decided to dissolve all union with the apostate church if she still refused to free herself from falsehood and idolatry. They saw that separation was an absolute necessity if they would obey the Word of God. They dared not tolerate errors fatal to their own souls and set an example which would imperil the faith of their children and children’s children. To secure peace and unity they were ready to make any concession consistent with fidelity to God; but they felt that even peace would be too dearly purchased at the sacrifice of principle. If unity could only be secured by the compromise of truth and righteousness, then let there be difference, and even war. Well would it be for the church and the world if the principles that actuated those steadfast souls were revived in the hearts of God’s professed people today.” (EGW comments on the early Protestant Reformers)

Seven years of battling apostasies, falsehoods, idolatry, errors fatal to my own soul, spiritual predators, oppression, and the suppression of the Spirit, from inside this religion, with no allies; a lifetime of fighting off the advances of the wealthy sexual perverts, she loves so much, inside and outside this religion; along with the results of being raised a spiritual Helen Keller by this religion; and the ensuing 40 years of self-medicating to numb the hurts done by unrepentant people of this religion- this religion, which professes to be the commandment keeping remnant church, has taken its toll on me.

I finally reached my limit with the he/she hokey spirit! I began making ultimatums. Believe or not? I have put up with, and taken a lot from this religion, being born into it. And have been willing to forgive much. But, when I started feeling like a whipped puppy or, like a “dog returning to its own vomit”? *Jesus Christ

I stopped taking what she (World Church) dishes out, and began making ultimatums.

Either SDA Apostasy goes! Or I go?

I’m sorry to say that, even my own family said to me; “Then go, then…. Just Go!”

The incident of the he/she holy spirit happened in March of 2023. And yes, it still hurts that a stranger, bringing Paganism into SDA Land, was accepted on their own authority-by religious ordination and a man-made education curriculum; carrying pretty words and fanciful ideas that makes most women feel good. But I was highly offended.

And, since I’m just a hippie-punk-thug-high-school-dropout with a bad reputation, and only someone whom the LORD, Himself, rescued from the gates of hell-a sinner who knows I need to repent. Not really into the greater good of the “face” of man-made religious dis-organizations, but more into looking out for the honor of the LORD’s Name- the Only One Who Has The Absolute Power and Who willed it by His Grace, alone, to rescue me from the bottomless pit of despair and hopelessness, that I found myself in, in July of 2016…. I was turned away by the “remnant church” in favor of a he/she hokey spirit, with the words;

“Then go, then… Just Go!”

You just can’t make this stuff up?!

Additional Note – “New Avenues” was the name of the Davidson County Jail drug Program. The lady who ran it was also a founding member of the Madison TN Cornerstone Pentecostal Church.

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