Scripture References Found – Hebrews 12, Ezekiel 34, Ezekiel 11, Ezekiel 36, 2 Corinthians 3, Luke 10, Proverbs 29, Matthew 22, Exodus 20 (although there are over 100 Scriptures that state that the LORD tests our loyalty, according to Google. ; )
I”m not really sure if this belongs in “Testimonies of Jesus” or “Balcony Talk”? Because it’s not a continuation of the Genesis study. So, this episode may change places in the future? Just a head’s up…
On October 7, 2023, the President of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church Organization, threw down the law on the leaders and administrators of the regional and local conferences; paid Gospel workers and Health care workers; Professors, School Administrators, Churches, Elders, Pastors and members alike to shape up or ship out! “If you do not believe 100% in this Word. (the Bible). Step Down!” he said. “The SDA Church is experiencing a sifting right now…” I took this as meaning that the Sifting of the Sieve has begun. And the statement: “Do not accept false doctrines”? *Ted Wilson. I took literally. Unfortunately tic-toc-tic-toc as of 02/29/2024, no further mention of this event has occurred, other than Vee shouting til she turned blue!? To no avail. The people put up dark silent walls against me, and the walls are still there today. Oh well….what can I say?
Almost immediately after I posted this particular episode to my Facebook page, within an hour, a SDA Pastor on the other side of the world, in Australia, who was a Facebook friend-and this was not the first time something like this had happened between him and me- declared that he was not a “prophet.” I declare this also. I’m not saying anything new. Everything that I say is freely available in the Bible, and through Google. It is freely given to anyone who asks. If you seek, you will find.
Having been raised SDA, I know a lot of Ellen White. It is your choice to read anything she wrote or not. I have used her writings as the Lord has led me to them, when I needed help in navigating around some of the many tares of false doctrines and “Snares of Satan” among the peoples. What I attribute to her is also readily available to read, if you are so inclined. I have no desire to rehash what I have already secured, and will continue to move on with the Lord.
It was around this time, also, that the people, whom I thought knew me-friends and family- began throwing stumbling block triggers in my way, as I was trying to purge religious traditions that don’t jive with the Bible from the “land” I began “clearing” for the “boundaries” of the wall I’m building around the spiritual house that we, who profess Christ, are to be building throughout our journeying with the Lord on this dark world. The Lord (or Spirit to some.) I call Him”Lord” because Jesus said that the Spirit tells me everything that Jesus tells me. And, since I call Jesus “Lord”? … The only thing that the Spirit told me to not do, was to not praise Him as Jesus, for He did not die for me. (This happened at Girl’s Camp)
Spiritual Battle Is Real. I don’t know what to say to people who don’t have any spiritual battles?
I chose this picture because, even though I did not know that what I was doing was walking away from the world? Saying “NO!” to the Booty. I knew that I could not look back! I made this homemade meme in the featured image, on July 22, 2023. And then began posting it on my Facebook page… I thought I was letting everyone know what’s what with Vee? Could none hear me? …..