Note – (1) I was still posting Balcony Talk specifically for Facebook. So you will hear me reference Facebook in this way throughout the episodes until sometime in February. (2) I said “attitude” in that way, because I had just told a religious “Yes” man that they needed an attitude adjustment. I kid you not! (3) In Christ, nobody is better than anyone else. (4) Nathan settled, and war broke out. There was an emergency at his job.

Additional Notes – I chose the featured image, because there is more going on than meets the eye. This is when the Lord began strongly cajoling me to “Look at Lot.” …. “Look at Lot!” …. LOOK at Lot!!” …. “LOOK AT LOT!!!” In the following episodes you will find out why, just as I found out why, the Lord kept telling me to look at Lot. And the joy in realizing that, the LORD God is fully able and capable of snatching a righteous person (a believer) out from the fires of His Executive Judgements. As in the example of Lot, at the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah….

Scripture Nathan Referenced Found – Hebrews 4

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